Life in Bitesize

Posts Tagged ‘stress awareness course

Stress Awareness Course I’ve blogged about stress before (Feeling Stressed? Take a course!), but I thought I’d mention it again because today, Wednesday 4th November 2009 is National Stress Awareness Day. Stress can affect any of us at any time and can be brought on by many different things. This year, for example, many people will have been made redundant – that is a major cause of stress. Other factors could be moving house, work, family and ill-health – anything that causes a build up of pressure that we cannot deal with. It’s important to identify stress symptoms to avoid the problem getting to big. Symptoms include –  inability to concentrate, worrying, negative thinking, mood swings, lack of motivation and frustration.

If you think you are suffering from stress, here are a few tips to help that should help you cope better:

  • Look at how you manage your time. Could you do it more effectively? Prioritise your most important jobs first, even if you dislike them. Once the unpleasant things are out-of-the-way you’ll feel a lot better.
  • Try to be healthier. After all, a healthy body = a healthy mind. Try to improve your diet, get some exercise and sleep adequately – you’ll feel miles better for it.
  • Know your limitations and learn to say no. If you’ve got too much work on, tell you manager or delegate the work out. Don’t hold on to everything.
  • Find out what is causing your stress. Look at what is worrying you and try to change your behaviour when dealing with it. A stress awareness course can help you fully understand.
  • Take time out to relax. Make sure you make use of your full holiday allowance each year, and give yourself 15 minutes on a daily basis just to relax and be with yourself – try taking a bath or reading a book or just sit with the cat.

These are just a few tips to help you deal with everyday stresses, the International Stress Management Association have a lot of advice and suggestions on their website.

candles Apparently there are now stress awareness courses where you learn about the everyday stresses of life and work, and recognise how to deal with it.  Gone are the days of a glass of wine or a beer after work, now we have to attend a course to ‘deal with our feelings’ and express ourselves. But it seems that there’s good reason for employers to send their staff on these courses – 14 million sick days are taken in Britain each year because of stress!

Maybe if people didn’t take so many days off work, they would get more work done, wouldn’t miss deadlines and  wouldn’t feel so stressed! Just a thought? Here’s another idea, next time you’re feeling a bit tense, try one of these – run a bath, watch a funny film, or maybe just read a book – I promise it helps!